Hereditary Health Risk Assessment

Hereditary Health Risk Assessment

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Sperm and egg each carries 23 chromosome units. During fertilization, sperm and egg fuse together and form an embryo, and this embryo will carry 23 chromosome units from sperm (father), and 23 chromosome units from egg (mother) – together 23 pairs of chromosome. In short, we inherit half of the genetic material from our father, and another half of the genetic material from our mother.

Most of the inherited disease can be categorized autosomal recessive (AR) and autosomal dominant (AD). The assessment performs genetic test for more than 670 hereditary diseases. These diseases can be categorized into 5 major groups: development disability related, intelligence related, sexual development related, early death related and metabolism related diseases. Such comprehensive genetic test can detect the autosomal recessive disease which will be passed from parents to children, or even autosomal dominant disease(which can be treated if discovered early). Parents can have a better understanding of their children’s condition, in order to do a better health management.

To learn more about this test and service fee, please browse the web page of Combined Medical Health Clinic or click here .