Breast Cysts

Breast Cysts

Breast cysts, such as fibroids or “hydrocyst”, “hygroma” etc., the majority are benign tumor, only around 0.2 to 3% becoming malignant. These tumors are located in the center of the breast and around the nipple, generally will not develop into breast cancer.

Fibro adenoma is the overgrowth of breast tissues, mostly do not show any symptoms. Identification of whether the cells are benign or malignant can be done through clinical examination, x-ray examination (mammogram), fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) etc. There is no immediate need for surgical excision if the result is benign. Unless the volume of the fibroid is too large or there is sign of continue proliferation of the cells, doctors will advise for surgical excision. Patients should be checked regularly to observe any changes in the breast.

Hydrocyst are the accumulation of cyst fluid from normal mammary secretion in the breast that forms cysts which are like blisters. These cysts size often varies with the menstrual cycle, usually disappear or ease after period. Although 90% of the cysts are benign, patients should maintain regular check-up through clinical examination, x-ray examination, fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) to ensure no cancer cells are present in the breast. Surgical excision is not required if the result is benign. However, if patients feel discomfort because of the cyst, doctors can remove the fluid from the cyst using a needle. Patients are recommended to follow-up regularly and have self-examination as hydrocyst can recur.